WIPO Trademark Registration

Your brands are your capital. Protect your capital from being accessed by third parties. File your trademark registration through tm.legal and register your brand in Switzerland or internationally for a fixed price.
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The value of a business is in the goods and services. Protect it and register them as a trademark.

Your money is in the reputation of your goods and services. These are directly linked to their designation or your name or company name.

Your existence is based on the good name of your goods and services. With a trademark registered at the official Trademark Office (IGE. IPI Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property), you can exclude others from using the trademark and use this trademark alone.

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Would you buy a No-Name watch for CHF 5,000? Probably not. The excellent brand name of Rolex (brand value 8.0 billion) also allows buyers to spend more on a watch. Without the brand name, the watches would not be for sale at that price. (Source: bestswiss.ch)

The loss of a brand name or logo can mean a loss of thousands or millions of francs or euros, depending on the business.

Register a name as a trademark and thus protect it from abuse

Protect your brand and thus your source of income from being used by competitors. Without a trademark registration you are putting your business at risk.

A trademark registration is often more important than a liability or car insurance and realizing it for little money.

Our Trademark Registration Services

Please choose one of the brand registration services by clicking on the icon. Once you click you will get further details on the trademark registration services for the desired country.

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