Domain Name Dispute Resolution for Top Level Domains (URS)

The Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) was developed by ICANN in relation to the introduction of the new gTLDs. The URS can be used for all gTLDs, including the so-called legacy gTLDs (e.g. .info, .jobs, .travel, etc.) and some ccTLDs (e.g. .pw). The URS should not replace the UDRP but complement it. While the UDRP focuses on the deletion or transfer of a domain name in the event of a fraudulent registration, the URS serves to suspend a domain registration until the registration period expires. The domain suspension means that the domain name redirects the visitor to an informative website of the approved dispute resolution provider. The original registrant remains the owner of the domain name until the end of the registration period.

The complaint must be submitted to a URS provider approved by ICANN. The trademark owner may initiate one or both of the URS and UDRP proceedings. Both the URS and the UDRP proceedings do not prevent the possibility of initiating court proceedings.

  • Research on cases in databases and literature
  • Write and submit the initial dispute letter
  • Communication with dispute center
  • Join hearing and communication with panel members
  • Supervise correct implementation of decision
  • Unlimited customer questions and explaining during process
  • CHF 0.00

Domain Dispute Resolution for Top Level Domains (URS)

URS (Uniform Rapid Suspension System) is an inexpensive and fast out-of-court dispute settlement procedure. It is even faster and more cost-effective than the UDRP (Uniform Domain name Dispute Resolution Policy) procedure.

However, with URS, it is not (primarily) about the deletion or transfer of the infringing domain. But it grants trademarks to owners a right to the suspension (cancellation) of the content available under the domain. In a second step, it may be possible to gain possession of the domain, but this is not possible directly in the URS procedure.

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