Instruction for Trademark Registration Process
Check out our step by step instruction guide for registering a trademark.
Development of Brand Names
We can help you to develop a strong brand name and pre-check that the brand name is available in the countries you want. We have creative tools that can automatically create a list of brand names through AI. Talk to us in the development process and we will help you.
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A description of your job is not a good brand. For example, if you do personal coaching, do not call your brand ‘PersonalCoach’, it is only a description and not a brand. Prefer artificial words without descriptive elements, e.g. ‘Be a better me’ for Personal coaching.
Step 1: Initial meeting
In an initial meeting, we clarify the protection strategy and answer any open questions. Among other things, we will discuss the planned geographical coverage of your brand and the planned Nice classes. Following the initial meeting, we will also determine the optimal procedure with regard to trademark offices and reference addresses.
Step 2: Eligibility for registration
Legal examination of registrability. The brand name must not conflict with any absolute legal obstacles to protection.
Step 3: Identity research
We conduct a review of relative barriers to refusal. For this purpose, an identity and similarity research is carried out. We also carry out collision checks on the Internet and in the commercial register. In the event of a collision, we check whether the trademark falls under legal exception regulations and can still be registered.
Step 4: Nice class directory
We create an individual list of goods and services. We design it so that you completely record all of the products and services you use, but still so specifically that you avoid deleting the trademark due to non-use (Section 49 (1) of the Trademark Act).
Step 5: Report
We will send you the results of the Database research by email. (Sample report, the respective reports may differ depending on the package booked)
Step 6: Further discussion
Often there are open points, we hold a final conversation with you before the entry, in which we also discuss the analyzes.
Step 7: Submission
After all legal examinations and research, the trademark is submitted by us to the responsible trademark office.
Step 8: Completion
The trademark is entered in the trademark register. You enjoy 10-year trademark protection. We will send you the certificate from the trademark office as a PDF (depending on the trademark office and process).
Step 9: Brand Management
We support you in the correct management of the brand, because there are also some important points to consider when managing a brand.